  • Bay Area
  • None
  • MMA
  • 0-0-0-0
  • 115-124
  • 0.0
  • 5'6"
  • Orthodox

Alexander Serrano

Antioch, CA 94531
MMA record - 0-0-0-0
Weight Class - 115-124
My name is Alexander, I'm 20 years and I've been fighting since I was 13 years old. I started off boxing for 3 years at 110 lbs then moved up to 125 lbs for wrestling. I had a 16-3 boxing record winning 1 gold medal, 4 silvers and 2 bronze total. For wrestling, I had a 13-4 JV record and a 12-7 Varsity record winning 2 gold medals, 4 silvers and 14 bronze in addition to becoming MVP of the wrestling team my senior year of high school. I'm currently kickboxing at a local gym in addition to being an assistant coach for my old high school wrestling team while going through college. Right now I'm confident in my ability of becoming a successful fighter but need the support of a promoter to begin my amateur career and get things going for the future. I'm extremely motivated and have been looking for my chance to break out from the crowd for awhile now so the sooner we can get things going the better so please feel free to contact me to work out a deal.

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