  • The Buried Life
  • MMA
  • 0-1-0-0
  • 155-169
  • 0.0
  • 5'10"
  • Orthodox

Dave Lingwood (1 fights)

Los Angeles, CA 90028
MMA record - 0-1-0-0
Weight Class - 155-169
Born in Victoria, BC on Vancouver Island, Dave Lingwood is a pro break-dancer and his travels have brought him work in African safaris, Trinidadian carnivals, and even an audition for Cirque de Soleil. Dave's hobbies include public displays of head-spinning, bubble trouble, and basically anything where there's a good chance he could die. After giving a speech in the summer of 2008 in LA, Dave informed us he was not coming back home and was going to stay to pursue his dream of becoming a stunt man. Four months and two TV shows later, he broke his ankle flying through the air and was forced to return home. He recently delivered needed clothing and supplies to an indigenous tribe in a remote village in the Costa Rican mountains, which required trekking seven hours through intense jungle and zip-lining over raging rivers, a 50# backpack and camera bag over one shoulder and a 15 ft long two-by-four on the other. Dave, along with his fellow castmates created a project called "The Buried Life," which involves an epic mission to complete a list of '100 Things To Do Before You Die' and to help and encourage others to create and go after their own lists.

Opponent Event Date Round Time Result
Grant_Woods Grant Woods
Method: TKO
Spar Star 09/24/2010 3 01:16