In the radius of
miles from

  Name Weight Class Association / Ring Name City
Silvanos10 Mark Marshall
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 38
Super Heavyweight over 265 pounds Independent
San Luis Obispo
Nateochoa1911_ Nate Ochoa
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 24
Featherweight - 135.1 to 145 pounds Halo Bjj/ ffc
Nate ochoa
Sevak_Hakobyan Sevak Hakobyan
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 18
Welterweight - 155.1 to 170 pounds So Fit Academy
Sevak Hakobyan
Andrewcc22 Andrew Cruz
MMA record: 1-0-0-0
Age: 30
Featherweight - 135.1 to 145 pounds Universal grappling academy
bmkimmy98 Blake Kimmy
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 26
Welterweight - 155.1 to 170 pounds Kings MMA
Blake Kimmy
Costa Mesa
Tydood Tyler Childers
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 24
Lightweight - 145.1 to 155 pounds Halo BJJ , Warhorse MMA , Legendary Black Belt Center Taekwondo
Princesamurai Hunter Young
MMA record: 1-0-0-0
Age: 28
Light Heavyweight - 185.1 to 205 pounds None Yokuts Valley
chrisc224 Chris Chapa
MMA record: 1-0-0-0
Age: 27
Welterweight - 155.1 to 170 pounds Madera MMA
Chris “El Rey” Chapa
JoeyZ09 Joey Zarate
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 24
Middleweight - 170.1 to 185 pounds Legacy
Joey Fernando Zarate
Los Angeles
Sayed_Mohammad1999 Sayed Mohammad Hashemi
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 25
Light Heavyweight - 185.1 to 205 pounds Legacy Muay Thai and fitness
Sayed Mohammad
Sayed_Mohammad Sayed Mohammad Hashemi
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 25
Light Heavyweight - 185.1 to 205 pounds Legacy Muay Thai and fitness Sacramento
jlooez19 Javier Lopez
MMA record: 1-0-0-0
Age: 20
Lightweight - 145.1 to 155 pounds The Den Training Center
The Mojo
martinandkarmen2020 Martin Hermosillo
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 28
Lightweight - 145.1 to 155 pounds Backyard boxing made mma
Martin Hermosillo
Cadin_Mauro Cadin Mauro
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 19
Featherweight - 135.1 to 145 pounds The Chute
Cadin Mauro
JonahBBlake235 Jonah Blake
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 20
Welterweight - 155.1 to 170 pounds CSW
Jonah Blake
jasontdubs Jason Wong
MMA record: 0-1-0-0
Age: 33
Lightweight - 145.1 to 155 pounds Guerilla Jiu Jitsu OAKLAND
SoCal714MMA Benee Calderon
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 24
Bantamweight - 125 to 135 pounds Elite Team Porterville
Benee Calderon
Gageshep Gage Shepherd
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 21
Featherweight - 135.1 to 145 pounds Team shortstop
Gage shepherd
Luisrobles94 Luis Robles Jr
MMA record: 1-0-0-0
Age: 30
Welterweight - 155.1 to 170 pounds Mafra MMA/ Supa MMA Hesperia
DiabolicalKj Kajay James
MMA record: 0-0-0-0
Age: 24
Welterweight - 155.1 to 170 pounds Non affiliated